
December 2022
November 2022
πŸ“Quantive Results πŸš€ New 🚩 Essentials πŸ’₯ Scale 🏒 Enterprise

New Pointer/Hand Tool for Navigating Whiteboards and Alignment View (Beta)

Whiteboards and Alignment View are 2 of the most used pages within Gtmhub. Whiteboards allow you to collaborate on ideas around the OKR process, whilst Alignment View provides transparency and allows you to see the bigger picture with how all OKRs are linked. Due to many companies' reliance on these key features of Gtmhub, we understand that both Whiteboards and Alignment View can become very expansive and thus hard to navigate. Not anymore - we've released beta testing of the new pointer/hand tool to help navigate with ease.
October 2022
September 2022