Quantive Product Team
🚀 New ✨ Improved

Weekly Product Roundup for 09.16.2022

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

This week, Gtmhub's releases focused on improving the user experience through navigation. Our main feature releases of the week focus on filtering, providing you enhanced power to locate what you're looking for more quickly. Check out what's new:

Enhanced Filters with AND/OR Operators

What's new? Filters are used to quickly find items within Gtmhub, and reduce the time spent searching. Filters are often necessary for analytics-type screens and dashboards, where users won't be filtering the number of results, but rather the scope or type of data displayed.

Previously, filtering only supported AND operator, meaning that for values to be included all conditions needed to be met. Now, when filtering, you can use the OR operator to display results where at least one condition is met. See below a use case for these new Filtering updates:

Filter for:

  • All OKRs that

    • I either own

    • OR have created

    • AND are in the Session Q2 2022

Want to learn more? To find out more about the addition of And/Or filtering operators, visit our full release here.

OR Filters in Lists

What's new? Lists are a way for you to build a custom view within Gtmhub, and share it with others. They allow you to quickly prepare reports, or show specific information during your OKR review meeting. Previously, Lists only supported AND filters, so for an item to show both conditions had to be met. With the addition of OR Filters in Lists, users can now search for items where one or more conditions are met. Examples of common lists used include:

  • Achieved Objectives

  • Key Results that have not been updated in the past 3 weeks

  • Key Results with 0% progress

  • Tasks that are past due

Now with this addition of OR filters in lists, users will be able to quickly search for Key Results with 0% progress OR Key Results that have not been updated for 3 weeks. With this, they can quickly locate all KRs that need attention, allowing for a speedy reaction to the KRs that may be slipping, with less time searching through Lists.

Want to learn more? To learn more, visit our full release note here.

New Roadmap Features

Here are the new features that were added to our Product Roadmap:

  • Gtmhub New Navigation Experience V4. We're constantly listening to customer feedback in order to continually improve Gtmhub for our users. We're making updates to the navigation to Gtmhub to make it easier to use and improve your user experience. For more information, visit the full roadmap entry here.

  • More Flexible System-Sent Reports. We're increasing the flexibility of the Gtmhub system-sent reports, allowing account Admins to omit users from receiving the reports, and control the cadence of reporting. For more information, visit our full roadmap entry here.

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