Quantive Product Team
📍Quantive Results ✨ Improved 💥 Scale 🏢 Enterprise

Reorder Custom Fields within Objectives and Key Results

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

In addition to standard fields, Gtmhub supports Custom Fields on Objectives and Key Results. We are adding a way to reorder those Custom Fields to bring better order, clarity, and customization to Gtmhub.


Previously, the Custom Fields were displayed in alphabetical order. However, this may not match the order they should be displayed in. For example, having the most used Custom Fields displayed at the top might be preferred to save time.

We have added the ability to account Admins to customize the global order of Custom Fields for Objective and Key Result forms. This brings further customization to Gtmhub and allows the Admins to display the Custom Fields in an order that suits the organization, rather than relying on alphabetical order.

Phase 2 of this improvement will allow these customizations to be Session specific and saved.

Want to try it out?

Visit the Custom Fields section under the settings in your Gtmhub account and select "Manage Order" to rearrange the order of your existing Custom Fields.

For more information, visit our help article on creating custom fields.

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