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Quantive Signals Product Roundup: March 2023 (Destination Source)

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

In March, Quantive Signal made significant strides in expanding our platform's capabilities with the introduction of two new data analytics tools: UI Path as a destination source and Slack as a destination source. These new features will enable our users to take their data analysis to the next level and achieve even greater efficiency and collaboration within their teams.


UI path as destination source

By integrating UI Path as a destination source, you can automate the process of receiving and acting on insight information. UI Path is a highly versatile platform that enables you to create and manage automation workflows, making it easier to perform repetitive tasks and streamline your business processes.

With UI Path as your destination source, you can automatically trigger actions in response to changes or anomalies in your KPIs. For example, you could create a workflow that automatically adjusts pricing or inventory levels in response to changes in demand based on the insights provided by your KPI monitoring.

Slack as a destination source

By integrating Slack as a destination source, you can streamline the process of receiving and acting on insight information. Slack is a highly popular messaging platform that enables you to communicate with your team in real time, making it easier to collaborate and stay informed about important changes or anomalies in your KPIs.

With Slack as your destination source, you can automatically receive alerts and notifications whenever a KPI value exceeds a certain threshold or if an anomaly is detected. This real-time communication can help you take swift action to correct any issues before they impact your business operations.

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