Quantive Product Team
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Introducing new shared OKRs functionality

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

Shared OKRs make it easy for teams and individuals to collaborate on projects and Objectives.  

With shared OKRs you can… 

Demolish silos – Cooperation is the currency of shared OKRs. According to Harvard Business Review contributor Jeff Gotthelf, sharing encourages individuals to: 

Set OKRs with more than their immediate goals in mind  

Support their team’s overall Objectives and Key results 

Being a shared Objective or KR owner encourages transparency, collective purpose, and parallel progress: bask in your benevolence, you’ve earned it.  


Ensure clarity – If there’s a major feature or product release on the map, a real once-in-a-generation gamechanger, you want full participation and sights set on the horizon. Shared OKRs focus on: 

Clarity on what matters for teams 

Impact upon customer/business/product 

Aiming higher and seeing further than the self 


Map interdependencies – Make transparent what’s needed at each step of delivery. If Engineering needs to do X before Product asks Y, it’s easy. You can:  

Create tasks 

Tag tasks/projects by highest/lowest priority 

Expose hidden interdependencies  

No more conflict, no more loose ends.  


Amplify accountability – The blame game is officially over: no one won. With shared OKRs at your side, it’s no longer “you” or “I,” but us. The success or failure of any enterprise now rests on the shoulders of the many rather than the few.  


Cherish communication – Talking has never been easier or more rewarding – no, really. Up to 80% of businesses use social collaboration tools for enhancing business processes (McKinsey), with 75% of employers rating collaboration as important (Queens University of Charlotte).  

Communication is the lifeblood and path to shared OKR victory.  


Create virtual teams – Your team could be scattered in the stratosphere, but a cornerstone purpose through shared OKRs will earth them. Shared OKRs instill the need to speak and meet regularly and ease the collaboration of colleagues by giving them a unified goal.


Ramp employees quicker – Asking a new employee to create an OKR on day one is asking for trouble. Giving new employees a shared Objective with a senior peer helps them understand the philosophy, technique, and delivery of OKR best practices.


Evolve company culture – With all of the above in place, creating a culture of collaboration, cooperation, and OKR domination is all but guaranteed.


Want to create shared OKRs?

To find out how to create shared OKRs, visit out help article on shared OKRs here.

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