Quantive Product Team
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Increased visibility on linked OKRs and KPIs (Quantive Singularity)

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

The KPI overview provides a comprehensive view of your KPI performance, including who is responsible, current progress, forecast, and KPI performance over time. The drawer also includes leading and lagging indicators to help you make data-driven decisions about improving your KPI performance.

New impacting items in the KPI overview

To boost the value of the KPIs Overview table, an essential part of Quantive Singularity, we added impacting items to make the connection between KPIs and OKRs quickly visible.

The new impacting items section provides more details on which OKRs are related to each KPI. This supports the crucial step of aligning your team’s efforts to achieve your organization’s goals.


This KPI overview is available for all customers of Quantive Singularity.

Want to learn more?

Visit our help article on the KPI overview in Quantive Singularity.

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