Quantive Product Team
📍Quantive Results 🚀 New 🏢 Enterprise 💻 Desktop

Customize your own Whiteboards templates

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

Whiteboards is where organizations start to build their strategy, and that process can look different across departments. We have simplified and streamlined the process of creating and accessing custom templates for your organization, so you can get right to planning.

Customize, save, and share Whiteboards templates

You can now create customized Whiteboard templates tailored to your specific needs.

  • Easier to create, edit, and share
    Build out complex templates, such as OKR drafting, mind mapping, user journey mapping, and more, unique to your planning processes.

  • Intuitive access to saved templates
    Your custom templates will be saved alongside the standard Quantive Results' templates, accessible only to your organization with the click of the "Start with a template" button.

  • Configurable permissions for templates
    Set specific permissions for templates that enable the admin of the account or a designated custom role to create, update, and delete custom templates.


Custom Whiteboards templates are available for customers on Commercial or Enterprise plans.

Want to try it out?

Login to your account start creating your first template, or visit our help article to learn how to use custom Whiteboards templates.

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