Quantive Product Team
📍Quantive Results 🚀 New 💥 Scale 🏢 Enterprise

Announcing Check-ins for Quantive Results

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

We are delighted to announce that we have just released the Check-ins feature to all Quantive results customers within the Scale and Enterprise packages. Check-ins is a new self-reporting tool designed to empower staff to share context and progress with each other on a regular basis which helps with visibility, transparency, and alignment within teams and across the organization, as well as promoting collaboration and running better meetings.

What are Check-ins?

Put simply, Check-ins are a weekly self-reporting tool that prompts each team member to contextualize their progress on their week and share it with the rest of the team and the organization.

By default, each team member reports on their mood, their progress, priorities, any praise they would give, their key takeaways, and any blockers they experienced. These can be configured and customized by the team leader.

What are the benefits of Check-ins?

To consistently execute your strategy and stay accountable to goals, you have to build the habit around OKRs and embed strategic priorities into your day-to-day work. The weekly cadence of Check-ins helps to increase engagement and make execution a habit by ingraining the process of engaging with goals and sharing regular updates into your team's working week.

When extrapolating data from Koan, we can see that users who Check-in at least 2x per month are 5x more likely to engage with their goals on a weekly basis, and continue that habit after a year. In comparison, non-Check-in users often show a continued 12% decline in engagement.

Who are Check-ins for?

Check-ins are designed to deliver value across the entire organization. For managers, Check-ins help to create a positive team experience with greater cohesion, support, and feedback. The defined reporting structure helps with running more efficient meetings where you can review the historical data to track progress across the weeks. The regular cadence of Check-ins helps to celebrate the wins more regularly, creating a positive and supportive team atmosphere.  

For team members, the value is clear: greater alignment, understanding, and visibility of what your teammates are working on leads to greater collaboration. The regular cadence of Check-ins helps to build the habit of aligning their everyday outputs to their desired outcomes and keeps teams accountable for prioritizing the most impactful work.  

Setting the cadence and the context

No 2 teams are identical, so your Check-ins shouldn't be either. Some teams prefer Monday weekly check-ins, others prefer Tuesdays, others mid-week… Each team will have specific topics that they care about. 

With Check-ins, team leaders set the cadence and the framework for their team members to share with each other. They set the reporting questions and which day of the week is the day to check-in. Then each team member can start sharing, with a common framework, which sets the platform for better mutual understanding and collaboration.  

Who can access Check-ins?

Check-ins is now available for all accounts within the Scale, Commercial and Enterprise plans. For existing Quantive customers, Check-ins are turned off on the account level by default. These can be turned on by an account admin, and can then be on/off and managed on a team level by team leaders and those with the "Manage Check-ins" permission.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about Check-ins, you can visit our help articles on Check-ins, or for help with setting up Check-ins for your team visit our help article on managing Check-ins.

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