Quantive Product Team
🚀 New ✨ Improved

Weekly Product Roundup for 03.25.2022

AUTHOR: Quantive Product Team

This week we launched OKR statuses, a new mobile app version, dynamic team permissions for Insightboards, and more. Check out what's new:

Apply a Status to OKRs

Why should you care? Improve transparency and focus around OKRs

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Work might stop on an OKR for different reasons. To help improve transparency and focus, we have provided a quick and easy way to mark the work on a given Objective as done - either Achieved or Abandoned. Want to learn more? Visit our full release note on this feature

Mobile App Version 4.1.0

Why should you care? We're continually making it easy to bring your OKRs on the go

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This new version now supports different OKR confidence types, including general improvements to key bug fixes and performance. Want to learn more? Visit our full release note on this update

Dynamic Team Permissions for Insightboards

Why should you care? We made it easier to manage Insightboard permissions

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Last month we released dynamic team permissions for Sessions, and you can now find those same permission settings for Insightboards. This improvement will make it quick and easy to make sure all the right team members have access to the Insightboards they need. Want to learn more? Visit our help article on setting up dynamic team permissions.

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Gtmhub SDK is available on Github and NPM.

In order to minimize the effort when building a custom app for Gtmhub, our software development kit is now open source. Find it on Github and NPM.

Offline Insight Editor

An Offline Insight Editor is now available on the Visual Studio Code marketplace. Make building and editing custom Insights easier by downloading an offline copy of the Insight code in a VS Code workspace. For more information, visit our help article on using the Offline Insight Editor and find it on VS Code Marketplace here.

New Roadmap Features

Here is a new feature that was added to our Product Roadmap:

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